Sunday, 20 April 2014

My Final Feature Article

After adding a page number and straightening up my text, this is my final feature article.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Evaluation Q7: What I have learnt - Overall

Overall, my research benefitted my work the most as it taught me about the different conventions of a magazine and how to attract my desired audience. It helped me control the layout of my magazine and showed me how to take decent/suitable photographs.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Evaluation Q7: Advances in skill using Photoshop

At the start of the course, we were asked to make a front cover and contents page of a school magazine. Looking at this product next to my most recent music magazine project, I can see how much I have improved on my Photoshop skills.

For the school magazine, the colour scheme and theme was already picked out for me as I based it around the colours of the school logo. However for my music magazine I had to come up with my own colour scheme (red, black and white) and my theme depended on the genre of music I decided to base my magazine on.

My school magazine was targeting a niche audience whereas my music magazine targets a much larger audience and will compete with magazines such as Kerrang.